Carm is a 53 year-old retired school teacher from NEW YORK. Although she likes to send me pictures of some random guy she found on the internet and claim that he is her "husband", it's plainly evident that she is a crazy cat lady who never married, never had children, and most definitely does not have the singing ability to appear on "Buffalo's Got Talent". All she has are her 32 precious cats, and a digital camera from Costco to keep her company. Everyday she fills my inbox with 20 to 70 pictures of her "babies". Today I received these shots of a particularly tortured looking orange tabby she insisted on naming "Sunny". I'll spare you the more gruesome photographs, but let's just say you wouldn't look so "sunny" either if some lonely lady in clogs greased your cat anus with a dob of Lite Lube, and snapped away as you pinched out a dozen Kinder eggs.